About the book
Volume 1: Red River Gorge climbing North
Areas and features
- Military and Left Flank
- Long Wall
- Phantasia Wall
- Eastern Sky Bridge
- Funk Rock City
- GPS Coordinates for easy navigation
- essays on Porter Jarrard, Miguel Ventura, John Bronaugh, and more
Looking to complete your set of Red River Gorge books? Pick up Volume 2: Southern Region. Want the best of both worlds? Check out our Red River Select.
Ray Ellington has been climbing in the Red for 30 years, has done four previous editions of this guidebook, and is tired of talking about himself on this page. He lives in Lexington, KY, with his wife and climbing partner Michelle, works as an IT Security Architect, and runs his website redriverclimbing.com.
Dustin Stephens has been climbing nearly 30 years, including lots of bumbly-period trips from New York to Miguel’s in the 1990s. He moved from Yosemite to Lexington in 2009 for medical school and has been spending way too much time climbing, bushwhacking, and putting up new routes in the Red since then.
- Red River Gorge North
- 2015 Wolverine Publishing
- by Ray Ellington and Dustin Stephens
- 248 full-color pages
- 978193893204